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My RocketsData updated daily before 10:00 (UTC+8)

About Rocket

30D Assets Snapshots

Rockets refer to your average assets on HTX denominated in USDT over a 30-day period. 1 USDT = 1 Rocket. The Rocket value represents an integer without decimal places.

Boosting Your Rockets

Increase your assets through methods such as depositing funds and purchasing high-quality assets. By holding premium assets such as HTX, TRX, BTC, ETH, you can enjoy the privilege of having your assets counted as multiplied.

Greater Benefits

Rockets serve as an important credential for your participation in various events on HTX. You can use your Rockets to join community voting, new crypto airdrops, and other promotions. Detailed event rules are subject to our official announcements.


How to calculate the Rockets?


Your Rockets = 30-day cumulative assets denominated in USDT / 30. Your Rockets displayed represent the total assets in both your main account and sub-accounts. Only the main account can be used to participate in various events for Rockets. For users engaged in the HT to HTX conversion, your locked rewards in the Daily Tasks section are counted towards the calculation of your Rockets based on a USDT Denomination Factor of 1.5.

Doubt the calculation of your assets for the Rockets?


Only assets excluding borrowed portion will be counted toward your assets.

When will snapshots be taken?


A daily snapshot of your assets is taken at 00:00 (UTC+8) per day. After each snapshot, the assets denominated in USDT are calculated at USDT's closing price of the day to determine your Rockets.