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HomePriceSatoshi Nakamoto Price

Satoshi Nakamoto Price

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SATOSHI Price Today
The live price of Satoshi Nakamoto is -- per (SATOSHI/), -- today. The 24-hour trading volume is -- , with a current market cap of -- and a circulating supply of -- . Data is updated in real time.
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SATOSHI Market Information

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What is SATOSHI?

Introduction to Satoshi (Satoshi Nakamoto) and Bitcoin

  1. Founder: Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an anonymous programmer or group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

  2. Basic Concept: Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency based on blockchain technology and cryptography, used for recording transactions and controlling the creation of new units.

  3. Decentralization: Bitcoin's control is decentralized, achieved through the blockchain, which is a distributed electronic ledger.

  4. Security: The security of the Bitcoin system is maintained by a group of independent individuals known as miners, who confirm the date and time of transactions using their computers according to a certain scheme and add them to the ledger.

  5. Features:

  6. Tamper-Proof: The code is tamper-proof.

  7. Prevent Illegal Use: There are mechanisms in place to prevent users from using units they do not own.

  8. Limited Supply: The market will break down circulating units into smaller parts as needed.

  9. Fast Transfers: Transfer actual value quickly and irreversibly over the internet without the intervention of financial intermediaries.

  10. Decentralized Trading Network: Provides a decentralized trading network that offers security and transaction verification.

  11. Global Public Ledger: Publicly available transaction information stored on the global public ledger, equivalent to the master ledger.

  12. Personal Security: Individual security provided by public and private keys.

  13. Blockchain Technology: Bitcoin uses blockchain technology, which is an advanced database mechanism allowing for the transparent sharing of information in corporate networks.

  14. Miners and Mining: Miners use their own computers to confirm the date and time of transactions based on a certain scheme and add them to the ledger, thus maintaining the security of the Bitcoin system.

  15. Bitcoin Units: The smallest unit of Bitcoin is called Satoshi, with 1 Bitcoin equal to 100,000,000 Satoshis.

For details, please read: What is SATOSHI?
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