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Precio de Komodo

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KMD Precio de hoy
El precio actual de Komodo es -- por (KMD/), -- hoy. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es -- , con una capitalización de mercado actual de -- y una oferta en circulación de -- . Los datos se actualizan en tiempo real.
KMD Rendimiento de los precios en USD
Cambio (%)

KMD Información de Mercado

24h Min
24h Max
Máximo Histórico
Capitalización de mercado
Volumen de trading (24h)
Suministro en circulación
¿Qué es KMD?
Komodo is an end-to-end blockchain infrastructure solutions provider. Consistently recognized as one of the world’s most innovative blockchain projects, Komodo is developing technologies at the cutting-edge of the blockchain industry. In reality, most blockchain platforms today are but a single blockchain that offers support for smart contracts and decentralized applications. This model forces all projects to share the same infrastructure, leading to congestion, increased transactions fees, and stifled growth. Whereas other blockchain platforms employ a single, shared-blockchain model, Komodo’s federated multi-chain architecture provides each and every external project with independent infrastructure and a dedicated blockchain. This multi-chain design is what makes Komodo unique among blockchain platforms. Each project is given the opportunity to create their own blockchain ecosystem via Komodo’s infinitely scalable infrastructure. Komodo’s tech enables seamless cross-chain interoperability among all federated blockchains. Every blockchain built with Komodo is also connected to 95% of chains outside the federation via atomic swap technology. Future plans are in place for blockchain bridging support, which will create cross-chain fungibility throughout the entire blockchains industry. Moreover, with Komodo’s architecture, multiple blockchains can sync up and function as a single chain. If one chain is not meeting performance needs, additional chains can be added to form a blockchain cluster. A blockchain cluster boosts performance linearly without inflating coin supply or devaluing the currency. The Komodo ecosystem is not only scalable and interoperable, it’s also secured with the power of the Bitcoin network. This is accomplished with a series of cross-chain notarizations that store a blockhash onto the Bitcoin ledger every ten minutes, providing protection from 51% attacks.
Para más detalles, lee: ¿Qué es KMD?
Cómo Comprar KMD
Es superfácil comprar KMD en HTX. Simplemente haz clic aquí para ver una guía completa para comprar Komodo con facilidad.
Únete a KMD Spot trading en HTX
Regístrate y deposita fondos en tu cuenta HTX para empezar a spot trading.
Únete a KMD Futures Trading en HTX
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Estadísticas clave
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Suministro total
Suministro en circulación
Capitalización de mercado completamente diluida
Capitalización de mercado
Enlaces útiles sobre KMD
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