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Precio de dotmoovs

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MOOV Precio de hoy
El precio actual de dotmoovs es -- por (MOOV/), -- hoy. El volumen de trading en 24 horas es -- , con una capitalización de mercado actual de -- y una oferta en circulación de -- . Los datos se actualizan en tiempo real.
MOOV Rendimiento de los precios en USD
Cambio (%)

MOOV Información de Mercado

24h Min
24h Max
Máximo Histórico
Capitalización de mercado
Volumen de trading (24h)
Suministro en circulación
¿Qué es MOOV?
dotmoovs is the ultimate sports app with incredible metaverse competitions where you Move-to-Earn. It is a blockchain-based platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to allow its app users to compete in their favorite sports against others around the World and win rewards. By evaluating the rhythm, speed, accuracy, diversity and other skills, the AI referee scores the performance and the best dancer or athlete wins the battle. To play on dotmoovs you just need your smartphone and its camera. You will be able to enter competitions and tournaments or just have fun with your friends while playing your favourite sports. Our system analyses your performance and gives you a score, allowing to determine who is the winner of such competition. We then put this unique technology to use with peer-to-peer challenges and combined it with blockchain technology, our own cryptocurrency, and some incredible collectibles (NFTs). Plus, these collectibles are created with a set of features that makes it unique, fun, fashionable and useful at the same time. To enter tournaments, players need to use their NFTs. They can earn MOOV while playing and see their NFTs evolve with the experience they gain.
Para más detalles, lee: ¿Qué es MOOV?
Cómo Comprar MOOV
Es superfácil comprar MOOV en HTX. Simplemente haz clic aquí para ver una guía completa para comprar dotmoovs con facilidad.
Únete a MOOV Spot trading en HTX
Regístrate y deposita fondos en tu cuenta HTX para empezar a spot trading.
Únete a MOOV Futures Trading en HTX
Disfruta de un apalancamiento de hasta 100 veces para el trading de futuros en HTX y amplifica tus beneficios.
Estadísticas clave
Precio actual
Lanzamiento inicial
Suministro total
Suministro en circulación
Capitalización de mercado completamente diluida
Capitalización de mercado
Enlaces útiles sobre MOOV
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