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Prix de Covalent

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CQT - Prix du jour
Le prix en temps réel de Covalent est de -- (CQT/), -- aujourd'hui. Le volume de trading sur 24h est de -- , avec une capitalisation actuelle de -- et une offre en circulation de -- . Les données sont actualisées en temps réel.
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CQT, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Introduction to Covalent (CQT) Cryptocurrency

Covalent is a decentralized data project aimed at providing structured data for blockchains. The project has built the world's largest structured database, indexing over 225 blockchains, including all transactions, cleaned, normalized, and encrypted.

Main Features:

  1. Infrastructure Token: CQT is the platform token of the Covalent network, providing incentives for interaction between users. Validators providing data upon completion of each API query will receive rewards in CQT.
  2. Indexing and Hosting: The Covalent network indexes and hosts blockchain data, providing users with structured and reliable data services.
  3. Community Engagement: The Covalent community is very active, with community members like Mint Ventures creating detailed guides showcasing their dedication and potential for the project.
  4. Technical and Market Strategy: Covalent is undergoing significant technical, economic, and governance changes to position the network for growth. This includes launching the new token CXT, issued in a 1:1 ratio with CQT, aimed at strengthening the narrative and providing more liquidity.

Summary: Covalent is a decentralized project providing structured data for blockchains, powered by its platform token CQT for user interaction. The project is undergoing changes in technical and market strategies to achieve network growth and development.

Pour plus de détails, veuillez lire : CQT, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
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