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BerandaHargaHarga Bancor Network Token

Harga Bancor Network Token

Tidak ada data
Harga BNT Hari Ini
Harga live Bancor Network Token adalah -- per (BNT/), -- hari ini. Volume perdagangan selama 24 jam adalah -- dengan market cap saat ini sebesar -- dan pasokan yang beredar sebesar -- . Data diperbarui secara real-time.
Kinerja Harga BNT dalam USD
Perubahan (%)
Hari Ini

Informasi Pasar BNT

Terendah dalam 24j
Tertinggi dalam 24j
Harga Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
Market Cap
Volume Perdagangan (24j)
Pasokan yang Beredar
Apa itu BNT?
Bancor is a decentralized exchange protocol that allows for the creation of liquidity pools to trade assets. Bancor is composed of smart contracts (called “liquidity pools”) designed to perform algorithmic token trades and pooling of on-chain liquidity. Supporting both ERC-20 and EOS tokens, Bancor implements a liquidity pool curve on both Ethereum and EOS networks. Prices are determined by the reserve balance of coins deposited into the protocol, divided by the token's total supply multiplied by a reserve ratio. BNT is the Bancor protocol token. When users create or stake in a Bancor pool, users are required to do so in equal values of ERC-20 token + BNT (or EOS token + BNT). It offers cross-chain conversions and positive network effects; it is also expected to be used for staking in Q2 2020. On January 1st 2020, ETHBNT tokens were airdropped to BNT token-holders. ETHBNT tokens represent a Bancor pool token representing shares in the ETH:BNT liquidity pool i.e., these tokens collect fees from ETH-based conversions on Bancor.
Untuk detailnya, silakan baca: Apa itu BNT?
Cara Membeli BNT
Cara membeli BNT di HTX sangat mudah. Cukup klik di sini untuk melihat panduan lengkap membeli Bancor Network Token dengan mudah.
Bergabunglah dengan Spot Trading BNT di HTX
Daftar dan deposit ke akun HTX Anda untuk memulai spot trading.
Bergabunglah dengan Futures Trading BNT di HTX
Nikmati leverage hingga 100X untuk futures trading di HTX guna memperbesar keuntungan Anda.
Key Statistic
Harga Sekarang
Rilis Pertama
Total Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Market Cap
Tautan BNT yang Bermanfaat
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