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BerandaHargaHarga Project Galaxy

Harga Project Galaxy

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Harga GAL Hari Ini
Harga live Project Galaxy adalah -- per (GAL/), -- hari ini. Volume perdagangan selama 24 jam adalah -- dengan market cap saat ini sebesar -- dan pasokan yang beredar sebesar -- . Data diperbarui secara real-time.
Kinerja Harga GAL dalam USD
Perubahan (%)
Hari Ini

Informasi Pasar GAL

Terendah dalam 24j
Tertinggi dalam 24j
Harga Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
Market Cap
Volume Perdagangan (24j)
Pasokan yang Beredar
Apa itu GAL?
Project Galaxy is one of the leading Web3 credential data networks. Built on open and collaborative infrastructure, Project Galaxy helps Web3 developers and projects leverage digital credential data and NFTs to build better products and communities. Project Galaxy provides the infrastructure for community members to curate and contribute digital credentials to the Galaxy Credential Data Network. The infrastructure supports curating credentials through multiple data sources. Curators can contribute data from 7 different chains with subgraph queries or snapshots for on-chain credentials. They can also provide data from Twitter, Discord, Github, or offline events for off-chain credentials. Project Galaxy also provides Application Modules, Credential API, and a Credential Oracle Engine to help developers leverage credential data. Use cases of the Application Modules include Galaxy OATs (On-chain Achievement Tokens), NFT loyalty programs, growth hacking campaigns, gated community, and customized governance. Developers can also utilize the Credential Oracle Engine and Credential API for enhanced customized use cases such as credit scoring and Sybil attack prevention algorithms.
Untuk detailnya, silakan baca: Apa itu GAL?
Cara Membeli GAL
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Bergabunglah dengan Spot Trading GAL di HTX
Daftar dan deposit ke akun HTX Anda untuk memulai spot trading.
Bergabunglah dengan Futures Trading GAL di HTX
Nikmati leverage hingga 100X untuk futures trading di HTX guna memperbesar keuntungan Anda.
Key Statistic
Harga Sekarang
Rilis Pertama
Total Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Market Cap
Tautan GAL yang Bermanfaat
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