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Harga dotmoovs

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Harga MOOV Hari Ini
Harga live dotmoovs adalah -- per (MOOV/), -- hari ini. Volume perdagangan selama 24 jam adalah -- dengan market cap saat ini sebesar -- dan pasokan yang beredar sebesar -- . Data diperbarui secara real-time.
Kinerja Harga MOOV dalam USD
Perubahan (%)
Hari Ini

Informasi Pasar MOOV

Terendah dalam 24j
Tertinggi dalam 24j
Harga Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
Market Cap
Volume Perdagangan (24j)
Pasokan yang Beredar
Apa itu MOOV?
dotmoovs is the ultimate sports app with incredible metaverse competitions where you Move-to-Earn. It is a blockchain-based platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to allow its app users to compete in their favorite sports against others around the World and win rewards. By evaluating the rhythm, speed, accuracy, diversity and other skills, the AI referee scores the performance and the best dancer or athlete wins the battle. To play on dotmoovs you just need your smartphone and its camera. You will be able to enter competitions and tournaments or just have fun with your friends while playing your favourite sports. Our system analyses your performance and gives you a score, allowing to determine who is the winner of such competition. We then put this unique technology to use with peer-to-peer challenges and combined it with blockchain technology, our own cryptocurrency, and some incredible collectibles (NFTs). Plus, these collectibles are created with a set of features that makes it unique, fun, fashionable and useful at the same time. To enter tournaments, players need to use their NFTs. They can earn MOOV while playing and see their NFTs evolve with the experience they gain.
Untuk detailnya, silakan baca: Apa itu MOOV?
Cara Membeli MOOV
Cara membeli MOOV di HTX sangat mudah. Cukup klik di sini untuk melihat panduan lengkap membeli dotmoovs dengan mudah.
Bergabunglah dengan Spot Trading MOOV di HTX
Daftar dan deposit ke akun HTX Anda untuk memulai spot trading.
Bergabunglah dengan Futures Trading MOOV di HTX
Nikmati leverage hingga 100X untuk futures trading di HTX guna memperbesar keuntungan Anda.
Key Statistic
Harga Sekarang
Rilis Pertama
Total Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Market Cap
Tautan MOOV yang Bermanfaat
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