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BerandaHargaHarga Newton

Harga Newton

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Harga NEW Hari Ini
Harga live Newton adalah -- per (NEW/), -- hari ini. Volume perdagangan selama 24 jam adalah -- dengan market cap saat ini sebesar -- dan pasokan yang beredar sebesar -- . Data diperbarui secara real-time.
Kinerja Harga NEW dalam USD
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Hari Ini

Informasi Pasar NEW

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Harga Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
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Volume Perdagangan (24j)
Pasokan yang Beredar
Apa itu NEW?
Newton Project aims to build infrastructure for community-based economy, and through the provision of services around governance, collaboration and incentives, Newton upgrades corporate economy to a brand-new community-based economy that benefits everyone who contributes. The Newton team is distributed all over the world and is made up of technical experts from different countries, e-commerce entrepreneurs and other industry elites. Newton has a full-stack technology architecture, including the underlying public chain New Chain (mainnet launched in December 18, 2018, with a “Main chain + sub chain” structure and POA consensus mechanism, TPS over 5000 and is scalable enough for various business applications), distributed storage service New Net and New IOT (covering more than a dozen sensors). Above basic technology layer, Newton has a Hyper Exchange Protocol, which includes digital identity and credit, supply chain, digital marketing, transactions and payments, trusted physical channels, self-finance and NNIO, support DApps with real business value, such as New Mall. The first application running on Newton is New Mall, which is an on-line chain retailer that combines blockchain technology with e-commerce, through Newton, huge commercial intermediaries will be eliminated and consumers and other contributors will benefit. In addition to the retail industry, Newton is also committed to foster real applications in agriculture, supply chain, self-finance, payment, public welfare, games and other fields. Besides, Newton currently has a global and diverse community distributed over 89 countries. Newton has established 32 overseas telegraph groups covering more than 170,000 people. Community is the foundation for the Newton community-based economy.
Untuk detailnya, silakan baca: Apa itu NEW?
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Key Statistic
Harga Sekarang
Rilis Pertama
Total Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Market Cap
Tautan NEW yang Bermanfaat
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