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Harga Viction

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Harga VIC Hari Ini
Harga live Viction adalah -- per (VIC/), -- hari ini. Volume perdagangan selama 24 jam adalah -- dengan market cap saat ini sebesar -- dan pasokan yang beredar sebesar -- . Data diperbarui secara real-time.
Kinerja Harga VIC dalam USD
Perubahan (%)
Hari Ini

Informasi Pasar VIC

Terendah dalam 24j
Tertinggi dalam 24j
Harga Tertinggi Sepanjang Masa
Market Cap
Volume Perdagangan (24j)
Pasokan yang Beredar
Apa itu VIC?
Viction, formerly TomoChain, is a people-centric layer-1 blockchain, offering zero-gas transactions and enhanced security to make Web3 easy and safe for everyone. Designed with a focus on user experience, Viction prioritizes zero-gas transactions, speed, security, and scalability to contribute to the creation of a more secure and open world. With a network of 150 masternodes utilizing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus, Viction touts its scalability and stability. It employs advanced techniques like double validation, smart contract staking, and proper randomization to enhance security and chain finality. Viction supports all EVM-compatible smart contracts, protocols, and atomic cross-chain token transfers. Viction introduces the TRC25 token standard, simplifying token operations by eliminating the need for gas fees during use. This innovation allows users to perform token-related actions without native tokens, as network fees can be paid using the token itself, making it more convenient for a broader audience to embrace the Web3 world without the hassle of gas fees. Viction is driven by a mission to build a decentralized platform that empowers humanity to connect, collaborate, and create without limitations, envisioning a world where transparency, accessibility, and growth thrive.
Untuk detailnya, silakan baca: Apa itu VIC?
Cara Membeli VIC
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Bergabunglah dengan Spot Trading VIC di HTX
Daftar dan deposit ke akun HTX Anda untuk memulai spot trading.
Bergabunglah dengan Futures Trading VIC di HTX
Nikmati leverage hingga 100X untuk futures trading di HTX guna memperbesar keuntungan Anda.
Key Statistic
Harga Sekarang
Rilis Pertama
Total Pasokan
Pasokan yang Beredar
Fully Diluted Market Cap
Market Cap
Tautan VIC yang Bermanfaat
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