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DIMO is a cryptocurrency primarily used to establish a user-owned IoT platform that allows drivers to collect and share their vehicle data. The main features of DIMO include:
Project Purpose: DIMO aims to break down barriers in vehicle information sharing platforms by consolidating all vehicle-related information platforms.
Technological Foundation: DIMO is built on the Polygon blockchain and uses Proof-of-Movement (PoM) to prove vehicle movement and data collection.
Business Model: Users purchase devices ($300/each) to start data collection. DIMO tokens are used for governance, collateral, and providing enhanced access to specific functionalities.
Data Applications: DIMO allows users to sell their vehicle data history records through any normal vehicle transaction, simplifying the process of vehicle transfer and third-party handling of information, and protecting user privacy.
Token Distribution: 70% of DIMO tokens will initially be allocated to the community-controlled DAO treasury, with the remaining 30% allocated to DIMO founders and contributors, as well as capital partners supporting key DIMO development activities.
Community Ecosystem: DIMO incentivizes continuous data connections and providing a greater quantity and frequency of reliable data by rewarding and controlling users who continuously support DIMO in the long term.
The main goal of DIMO is to establish an open networked physical system to improve the real world.通过车主流式传输数据并赚取DIMO代币,数据消费者可以访问与电池性能、自动驾驶系统、交通、天气等相关的匿名数据。