An Updated Log Regarding ETP Position Limits (May 2021)

Dear Users,

To improve the user trading experience with ETP (Exchange-Traded Product) and mitigate its market risks, HTX will make adjustments to the position limits on ETPs as well as their Max. single order amount from 15:00 on May 25, 2021 (UTC).
Adjustments to Position Limits & Max. Single Order Amount:

Following the above adjustments, users will be unable to process buying (subscribing) when the number of purchases (subscriptions) + the number of existing positions> the number of position limits (USDT)/NAV; the parent account and its sub-accounts will hold position limits independently.

Risk Reminder: 

  • There is a possibility that the NAV of ETP can become zero or the product will be removed due to inherent market risks, high fees, slippage, rebalance algorithm frontrunning, and any other perceived unknown risks associated with ETP.
  • Trading in ETP comes with high risks due to price volatility. Please assess your risk appetite & risk management strategies prior to trading as well as make prudent and informed decisions. 
  • HTX will make dynamic adjustments to the max. position limits on ETP based on its market risks.
  • API users can view ETP position limits through the “GET /v2/etp/limit” endpoint.

Click the following links to learn more about ETP:

What is ETP >>>

Fluctuation of ETP's NAV in Different Market Environments >>>


May 25, 2021


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