HTX will include two new subscription topics in existing Websocket API
- API Announcements
Dear API user,
Since the effective day of this notification, HTX will add following two new subscription topics into existing Websocket API –
1) Trade details post clearing – trade.clearing#${symbol};
2) Account change – accounts.update#${mode}.
The above two new Websocket topics are based on brand new URL “/ws/v2” and version 2.1 signature method.
Effective Date: December 4, 2019 (GMT+8)
All the changes will be updated on
December 6, 2019
The followings are change details:
Access URL
Websocket Asset and Order (v2)
Note: By comparing to, the network latency to is lower, for those client's servers locating at AWS.
Message Compression
Once the Websocket connection is established, HTX server will periodically send "ping" message at 20s interval, with an integer inside.
{ "action": "ping", "data": { "ts": 1575537778295 }}
Once client's server receives "ping", it should respond "pong" message back with the same integer.
{ "action": "ping", "data": { "ts": 1575537778295 // the same integer from "ping" message }}
Valid Values of action
Valid Values | Description |
sub | Subscribe |
req | Request |
ping,pong | Heartbeat |
push | Push (from HTX server to client's server) |
Authentication request:
{ "action": "req", "ch": "auth", "params": { "authType":"api", "accessKey": "sffd-ddfd-dfdsaf-dfdsafsd", "signatureMethod": "HmacSHA256", "signatureVersion": "2.1", "timestamp": "2019-09-01T18:16:16", "signature": "safsfdsjfljljdfsjfsjfsdfhsdkjfhklhsdlkfjhlksdfh" }}
The response of success
{ "action": "req", "code": 200, "ch": "auth", "data": {}}
Authentication request field list
Field | Mandatory | Data Type | Description |
action | true | string | Action type, valid value: "req" |
ch | true | string | Channel, valid value: "auth" |
authType | true | string | Authentication type, valid value: "api" |
accessKey | true | string | Access key |
signatureMethod | true | string | Signature method, valid value: "HmacSHA256" |
signatureVersion | true | string | Signature version, valid value: "2.1" |
timestamp | true | string | Timestamp in UTC in format like 2017-05-11T16:22:06 |
signature | true | string | Signature |
Generating Signature
The signature generation method v2.1 is similar with v2.0, with only following differences:
- The request method should be "GET", to URL "/ws/v2".
- The involved field names in v2 signature generation are: accessKey,signatureMethod,signatureVersion,timestamp
- The valid value of signatureVersion is 2.1.
Please refer to detailed signature generation steps from: []
The final string involved in signature generation should be like below:
Subscribe a Topic to Continuously Receive Updates
Once the Websocket connection is established, Websocket client could send following request to subscribe a topic:
{ "action": "sub", "ch": "accounts.update"}
Upon success, Websocket client should receive a response below:
{ "action": "sub", "code": 200, "ch": "accounts.update#0", "data": {}}
Request an Update
Once the Websocket connection is established, Websocket client could send following request to acquire an update:
{ "action": "req", "ch": "topic",}
Upon success, Websocket client should receive a response below:
{ "action": "req", "ch": "topic", "code": 200, "data": {} // update contents}
Subscription topic – trade.clearing#${symbol}
The “trade details post clearing” topic should include transaction fee and transaction fee deduction details, which only updating while order matched.
Request Parameter | Data Type | Description |
symbol | string | Trading symbol (Wildcard “*” acceptable) |
Update Content
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
symbol | string | Trading symbol |
orderId | long | Order ID |
tradePrice | string | Trade price |
tradeVolume | string | Trade volume |
orderSide | string | Order side, Enum values: buy, sell |
orderType | string | Order type, Enum values: buy-market, sell-market,buy-limit,sell-limit,buy-ioc,sell-ioc,buy-limit-maker,sell-limit-maker,buy-stop-limit,sell-stop-limit |
aggressor | bool | Aggressor or not, Enum values: true, false |
tradeId | long | Trade ID |
tradeTime | long | Trade time, unix time in millisecond |
transactFee | string | Transaction fee |
feeDeduct | string | Transaction fee deduction |
feeDeductType | string | Transaction fee deduction type, Enum values: ht,point |
"action": "sub",
"ch": "trade.clearing#btcusdt"
"action": "sub",
"code": 200,
"ch": "trade.clearing#btcusdt",
"data": {}
"ch": "trade.clearing#btcusdt",
"data": {
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"orderId": 99998888,
"tradePrice": "9999.99",
"tradeVolume": "0.96",
"orderSide": "buy",
"aggressor": true,
"tradeId": 919219323232,
"tradeTime": 998787897878,
"transactFee": "19.88",
" feeDeduct ": "0",
" feeDeductType": ""
Subscription topic – accounts.update#${mode}
The “account change” topic will be updating while either of following scenarios occurs –
- Only when account balance being changed;
- When either account balance being changed or available balance being changed, and updating separately.
User can choose either of above update behavior while subscribing to the topic.
Reqeust Parameter | Data Type | Description |
mode | integer | Update behavior, Valid value: 0, 1, Default value: 00: Update only when account balance changed1: Update when either account balance changed or available balance changed, and update separately |
Subscription examples –
- Ignoring “mode”:
Update only when account balance changed;
- Filling “mode=0”:
Update only when account balance changed;
- Filling “mode=1”:
Update when either account balance changed or available balance changed, and update separately.
Update Content
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
currency | string | Currency |
accountId | long | Account ID |
balance | string | Account balance (to be updated only when account balance changed) |
available | string | Available balance (to be updated only when available balance changed) |
changeType | string | Change type, Enum values: order-place, order-match, order-refund, order-cancle, order-fee-refund, margin-transfer, margin-loan, margin-interest, margin-repay, other |
accountType | string | Account type, Enum values: trade, frozen, loan, interest |
changeTime | long | Change time, unix time in millisecond |
"action": "sub",
"ch": "accounts.update"
"action": "sub",
"code": 200,
"ch": "accounts.update#0",
"data": {}
"action": "push",
"ch": "accounts.update#0",
"data": {
"currency": "btc",
"accountId": 123456,
"balance": "23.111",
"changeType": "transfer",
"changeTime": 1568601800000
"action": "push",
"ch": "accounts.update#1",
"data": {
"currency": "btc",
"accountId": 33385,
"available": "2028.699426619837209087",
"changeType": " order.match ",
"changeTime": 1574393385167
"action": "push",
"ch": "accounts.update#1",
"data": {
"currency": "btc",
"accountId": 33385,
"balance": "2065.100267619837209301",
"changeType": " order.match ",
"changeTime": 1574393385122