928 人已完成發佈於 2024.03.29 更新於 2024.12.11
MOVR (Moonriver)
Moonriver is an Ethereum-compatible, smart contract parachain on Kusama.
I. Project Introduction
Moonriver is an Ethereum-compatible, smart contract parachain on Kusama.
II. Token Information
Party | % of the total | Token Release Schedule |
Parachain Crowdloan | 30.000% | 30% of the network was offered to raise KSM needed for a crowdloan to bid in the Kusama parachain auction for an initial 48-week year parachain slot. We used this as a way to achieve token distribution for Moonriver. Upon launch of the Moonriver parachain, 30% of tokens will be distributed immediately to the crowdloan contributors, and the following 70% will be distributed weekly over the life of the lease (48 weeks). |
Community Initiatives and Parachain Slot Reserve | 40.000% | Tokens reserved to secure future Kusama parachain slot leases (e.g., continued parachain slot occupancy) and other community initiatives (e.g., liquidity incentives, strategic program rewards, etc.). |
Parachain Bond Reserve | 0.500% | Funds to be used for parachain bond purposes. Part of the supply inflation goes into this fund and the idea is ultimately for this reserve to hold enough assets to secure a parachain slot in perpetuity. |
Treasury | 0.500% | Onchain managed funds where spending the funds is only possible via token weighted onchain governance mechanisms. |
Long-Term Network Stewardship & Adoption | 24.500% | Tokens under the control of the Moonbeam Foundation, to be used to fund network adoption, grants programs, ecosystem development, and other network needs. |
Developer Adoption Program | 4.50% | Supply that will be used in the short term for project and platform adoption and practical needs. These are matching funds for the Moonbeam developer adoption program. |
1) Basic Information
Token name: MOVR (Moonriver)
Total supply: 10,000,000
Tokens in Circulation: 2,844,225
2) Token Distribution and Token Release Schedule:
III. Related Links
Official Website: https://moonbeam.network/networks/moonriver/
Blockchain explorer Links: https://moonriver.subscan.io/
Whitepaper Link: https://docs.moonbeam.network
Note: The project introduction comes from the materials published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. HTX does not take responsibility for any resulting direct or indirect losses.